嬤嬤覓呀 道地高雄伴手禮


Jan 06. 2022


Fragrance-Seeking Longan Flower Tea

Simple and elegant, with the fragrance and sweetness of nectar



For children far away from home, the smell of mom’s cooking is the best therapy for body and soul. Mamagoods originated in Kaohsiung tries to remake the hometown flavors in memory, following the mind of mother that takes care of her families. Their food products are as simple as mom’s cooking without unnecessary seasonings and overcooking, loyally preserving the original flavors of ingredients and most nutrients.
The sense of identity of a city is composed of many things loved by its inhabitants, especially those of uniqueness. In making this product, Jian Xiao-chen, founder of Mamagoods, has selected longan flowers from organic orchards on Daganshan Mountain of her hometown. The collected small flowers will be dried by the heat of sun to become herbal tea.
Pour hot water into your tea cup or tea pot with the pale yellow longan flowers, and the dried flowers will start to release elegant fragrance, whirling around in the water and falling down to the bottom like small dancing stars. The tea soup presents alluring bright amber color and a mild fragrance combining herbal tea and longan nectar, with slight sweetness and moderate aftertaste.
As the longan flower tea does not contain caffeine and Theophylline. The considerate design of small tea bags makes it more readily available for use; just infuse a tea bag in hot water and you can easily enjoy the fragrant tea without the need for professional teaware.
The product packaging uses simplest kraft paper and delicate hallow-out design to create a likeness of floral window grill pattern, without using any painting and coating materials. Such retro and dainty design is meant to deliver human temperature and convey sincerity and good wishes, while giving a new face to traditional Taiwanese floral tea.
Devoted to promoting local souvenirs, Jian has tried to seek out the things and elements that can best exemplify the unique character of her hometown Kaohsiung. She adds value to local produces through creative product design, and this product allows people to take a sip of the unique flavor from Kaohsiung.